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Category Archives: Leica

Here are a few more image I made while on Sapelo Island. The images here were made using the Leica M Monochrome and the same lenses I used with the Type 240. I really enjoy the tonalities that the Monochrome has, more so than converting to B&W from a color image. Take a look at the following images for yourself and see.

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Last weekend I went with my wife and her brothers family to Sapelo Island, of the coast in GA to have a little R&R. I brought a few cameras with me and today’s post will highlight the images I made using the new Leica M Type 240 (another perk of the job). I used both the Noctilux 50mm f1 and the 35mm f2 Aspherical and love the results. The rangefinder takes a little getting used to, but it’s a very nice experience and honestly slows me down a bit. Here are some of the highlights.



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